All About Chit Fund

What is Chit Fund ?

Chit funds are a distinctive and time-tested financial instrument that combine elements of savings and borrowing within a structured and community-based framework. Members contribute regularly to a pool of funds known as a chit, and at periodic meetings, participate in auctions where the lowest bidder receives the chit amount for that month. The surplus is distributed among members. Chit funds promote financial inclusion, discipline, and community support. They are regulated by the Chit Funds Act, ensuring transparency and legality. In summary, chit funds provide a unique and competitive financial solution for individuals and communities in India, offering a blend of savings, borrowing, and opportunities for higher returns on investments.

Why Chit Fund ?

Chit funds are a versatile and inclusive financial solution, offering both saving and borrowing options within a single framework. They promote financial discipline by encouraging regular savings among members. Chit funds create a sense of community and mutual support, providing a safety net in times of financial need. Participants can access lump sum amounts without collateral or complex credit assessments. Chit funds attract individuals and businesses due to their ability to cater to varied financial needs. The auction-based distribution system offers the potential for competitive returns, exceeding those of traditional savings accounts. Chit funds serve as a reliable avenue for meeting financial emergencies, saving for future goals, and being part of a trusted community. They play a pivotal role in societies where savings habits are crucial for financial well-being. Chit funds combine the benefits of disciplined savings and convenient borrowing, making them a favored financial instrument in India. Their versatility, inclusivity, and potential for higher returns make them an attractive choice for many.

How Chit Fund Works ?

Chit funds are an organized financial tool that combines communal savings and credit systems. A group of subscribers contribute regularly to a common pool, and at regular meetings, they bid for the accumulated chit amount, with the lowest bidder winning the bid. The surplus is divided among the members after deducting the organizer’s commission. Chit funds promote financial inclusion, offering savings and borrowing options. They encourage financial discipline and foster a sense of community and mutual support among members. The returns in chit funds can be competitive and may exceed traditional savings accounts. Chit funds are regulated by the Chit Funds Act of 1982, ensuring transparency and the protection of subscribers’ interests. In summary, chit funds provide an organized, regulated, and potentially rewarding financial avenue for individuals and communities in India.

Formation and Subscription

Initiated by a foreman, a chit fund comprises a specific number of participants who agree to contribute a fixed sum of money periodically for a predetermined duration.

Disbursal and Surplus Distribution

The winning bidder receives the bid amount. The surplus, which is the difference between the total pot and the bid, is then divided among all members, sometimes after deducting the foreman's commission.

Pooling and Auctioning

Every contribution cycle, the collected amount is auctioned. Members bid to take the pot. The lowest bidder, implying the member willing to take the least amount from the collective pot, wins the bid.


This process continues until every member has had an opportunity to 'win' the pot. The chit fund concludes when all participants have received the chit amount at least once.

Benefits of Chit Fund

The benefits of chit funds are multifaceted and significant. These financial instruments promote financial inclusion by offering access to savings and credit facilities, especially to those who may not have access to formal banking systems. Chit funds provide a flexible financial avenue, allowing participants to both save and borrow within the same framework, catering to various financial needs. They inculcate a culture of disciplined savings, as regular contributions become a habit, thus encouraging financial responsibility. Furthermore, chit funds foster a sense of community and mutual support among members who often know and trust each other, creating a reliable support system during times of financial need. Additionally, the potential for competitive returns, depending on the auction bids, makes chit funds an attractive option for those seeking higher returns on their savings compared to conventional savings accounts.

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